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The character of war has changed, influenced by  both, technology and geopolitical dynamics, as well as the merging of non-state actors, whose behavior is mostly violent, checkmating the international system. This situation drives States and their armed forces to face a dramatical scenario, that forces them to fortify their capabilities, in order to fulfill their missions in a wide spectrum, in a way to guarantee the effectiveness of their actions when a military response is needed and requested by the political power in order to safeguard and protect its sovereignty, homeland, citizens and resources.

In this essay  I will analyze a new concept that has aroused in this environment, that sets an state of uncertainty for both the political and the strategic command in a conflict scenario: The so called “Grey Zone”.

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Soto Silva, J. (2021). LA ZONA GRIS, UN DESAFÍO PARA LA CONDUCCIÓN POLÍTICA Y ESTRATÉGICA. Cuaderno De Trabajo, (6), 1-19. Retrieved from


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