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In order to have some estimates about how big data can respond to current strategic challenges and identify the gaps that represent the asymmetric development of these capacities, both in the regional and national environment, this Workbook talks about the evolution of this notion; Defense capabilities development around these technologies by the US, UK and Israel and other examples; the response of the sector’s industries and; the challenges these trends represent for Chile. This analysis of the “state of the art” is expected to contribute to systematize the panorama on the versatility of big data applications in Defense and the processes involved in their implementation.

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Lodeiro Encina, A. (2022). EVOLUTION AND PROJECTIONS OF THE USE OF BIG DATA IN DEFENSE. Cuaderno De Trabajo, (9), 1-25. Retrieved from https://www.publicacionesanepe.cl/index.php/cdt/article/view/961


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